The company that tells you what’s safe
You know you are safe when you see the Green Shield from MetaCert.
We have classified millions of safe URLs. And we’re adding new ones every hour of the day.
If you become a business customer, you can provide us with the domains and sub-domains that belong to you, your customers, and your partners, and we’ll make sure your employees see the Green Shield every time they open a URL to one of those websites
Websites that display a grey shield are unknown / unclassified. This means you should exercise caution.
You won’t necessarily see the Green Shield for your grandmother’s website, but if you’re about to sign into an important mainstream website, and you see the Grey Shield, make sure to investigate further.
This is the best form of real-time awareness training built into the software.
As soon as you open a link to a dangerous website, MetaCert
will block access before harm can be done
MetaCert will automatically detect and block websites that are known to hijack computers and computer networks for the purpose of mining cryptocurrencies.
Most dangerous websites hide behind shortened URLs. We don’t know why, but antiphishing awareness training companies advise customers to check URLs by hovering of links. This doesn’t work - dangerous websites can hide behind multiple redirects that are impossible to detect with the naked eye. And many security solutions are unable to detect the real destination of URLs before harm can be done.
Before a webpage has time to load inside your browser, MetaCert automatically checks the link that you see, against 3,500 shortening services. It then finds the real destination of that link before checking if it’s safe or not, against 10 billion URLs in our database. It does all of this in less than one-third of a second.
Before harm can be done, MetaCert will either display the Green Shield, Grey Shield, or block access with a warning page.
To request a demo or to learn more about an enterprise offering please contact: